POSONE For Multi shop management

The Multi Shop Compiler & Order Splitter is a combined package of functionality that is available for companies that have multiple locations 'shops ' within their Lightspeed Retail POS (LSR), and are looking to feed all of their combined products through to one Lightspeed eCom Web Store. Lightspeed offers functionality released in late 2020, to address showing inventory levels of products from multiple shops/locations on the main product page on eCom.


Order Splitter Package

However, it does not allow you to have the orders redirected back to the 'location/shop' and sync the inventory levels back up to eCom during the process. The huge difference with AdVision's Compiler app is that we actually 'Compile' all of your products from all locations and upload them to ONE eCom, not just show inventory numbers.

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Going beyond Lightspeed's existing Multi-Shop Functionality,

The app's main functionality is to compile all inventory stock levels and feed that compiled inventory values and products into the eCom Web Store via the LSR. The inventory level for a product can show the combined inventory level of the product from all the 'shops', or the app can also list the individual stock on hand from each 'shop'. The app requires a unique 'location/shop' within the Lightspeed Retail account. This LSR 'shop' is in addition to any existing 'shops', where each location's individual inventories are tracked from.

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Estimated Upon Review

Resort of Lindvallen, Sweden in 1996. Another reason is to have a drive-through experience in the locations that are not feasible to construct a drive-through lane such as in city centers. Some establishments may want to use walk-up windows to attract certain customer demographics such as younger customers who need quick service during late nigh

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checl User Interface

Our valuable features


Payment gateway is easy to fill with our system

A payment is the voluntary tender of money or its equivalent or of things of value by one party (such as a person or company) to another in exchange for goods, or services provided by them, or to fulfill a legal obligation. The party making the payment is commonly called the payer, while the payee is the party receiving the payment.All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web. There are also private websites that can only be accessed on a private network, such as a company's internal website for its employees.


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